Pictures from the USS Arizona Memorial

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Inside the visitor center, there is a Pearl Harbor museum.  This is a model of the USS Arizona as she appeared before being bombed by the Japanese.

The IMS Akagi, flagship of the Japanese strike force.

This is a Japanese torpedo that was recovered from the bottom of the harbor.  Since the waters of Pearl Harbor are so shallow, the Japanese pilots had to dead on in their aim with their torpedoes.  The plane this one came from was hit by anti-aircraft fire as the torpedo was being dropped, causing it to drop too deep and embed itself in the bottom of the harbor.  Some time after the attack, it was discovered and depth charges were dropped to detonate it.  The remains were then pulled from the bottom of the harbor.

Outside is the Circle of Remembrance.  It contains plaques listing the names of the casualties from every ship that was in Pearl Harbor the morning of December 7, save the Arizona.

This plaque explains the ranks of the various US armed services which appear on the other plaques.

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