Pictures from the USS Arizona Memorial

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Rainbow over Pearl Harbor.

After watching a short film about the attack on Pearl Harbor, we got on the boat and headed out to the memorial.  That rusty looking piece of metal in front is actually part of the Arizona herself.  It's one of the gun turret platforms.  The flag you see is actually mounted on the ship, not the memorial.  The ship to the left of the memorial is the USS Missouri.

This is the quay to which the Arizona was moored when she was attacked.

The entrance to the memorial.  Hallowed ground if there ever was any.

The inside of the memorial.  The memorial itself sits across the hulk of the Arizona almost directly amidships.  That opening you see to the rear leads to the shrine room, which I'll get to in a bit.  The back wall of the shrine room lists the name of every sailor and marine who perished aboard the Arizona.

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